Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Assignment 12 on 17DEC : My autobiography

I was born in Chung Joo, Choong Book. I quitted Koran airlines and entered Asiana airlines in 1988. At that time, I worked hard for making a company in the field of flight dispatch. It was a very touching sight to see our company’s first aircraft in Kimpo airport on December of the year. I continued to work for flight movement control with dispatcher and was transferred to Narita airport in 1993. After 3 years, I returned to Seoul. My place of employment was changed into safety management team in 2001. As you can see, I was a typical salaried employee and worked for airlines.


kimeunjung said...

I feel that you have a good carrier for your job. Especially I envy you having opportunity in working in Narrita. Also, I think that you are a man of few words but have a warm heart.^^

So Jin Yoo said...

you entered our company when I was 1 year old~
I respect you!
I heard that you can attend our class any more for your work.Y.Y
Have a good day~^^